

Cearlovey Granali 是国际关系和外交服务专业政治学专业三年级学生,她积极参加了2024 年 3 月11日至 22 日在位于美国纽约市的联合国总部 

Cearlovey Granali, a third-year Bachelor of Arts in Political Science major in International Relations and Foreign Service Program student, actively participated in the 68th Convention of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW68) on March 11–22, 2024 at the United Nations headquarters in New York City, U.S.A.


Cearlovey Granali(中,举手,右)在纽约联合国总部(照片来源:Ryan Brown,经许可使用)。

Cearlovey Granali (center, with hand raised, and right) at the United Nations Headquarters in New York (photo credit: Ryan Brown, used with permission).


CSW68 的主题是“通过从性别角度解决贫困问题、加强机构和融资,加速实现性别平等并增强所有妇女和女童的权能”, CSW68 召集了来自政府、女权主义组织和青年组织的全球领导人,加快努力,以实现性别平等。性别平等并影响妇女赋权的政策工具。CSW68 是全球最大的致力于性别平等和赋权的政府间委员会。 

With the theme “Accelerating the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls by addressing poverty and strengthening institutions and financing with a gender perspective,” CSW68 convened global leaders from the government, feminist organizations, and youth organizations to accelerate efforts for gender equality and to influence policy instruments for women empowerment. CSW68 is the largest intergovernmental commission dedicated to gender equality and empowerment around the world.

格拉纳利是联合国人口基金主办的“结束性别暴力和女性生殖器切割的共同愿景”小组中最年轻的资源发言人。格拉纳利分享了她的个人故事,开启了她与菲律宾女童子军 (GSP) 的倡导之旅。 

Granali served as the youngest resource speaker for the panel “Shared Vision to End Gender-based Violence and Female Genital Mutilation,” which was hosted by the United Nations Population Fund. Granali shared her personal story that ignited her advocacy journey with the Girl Scouts of the Philippines (GSP).


Granali 在以下并行学习会议中进行了互动并提出了想法:

Granali interacted and pitched ideas during the following parallel learning sessions:

  • 危机期间的女权主义经济正义:来自亚洲的视角(由亚洲妇女基金会召集); 
  • Feminist Economic Justice during Crises: Perspectives from Asia (convened by Women’s Fund Asia); 
  • 马拉维通过社会保护和数字创新加速性别平等(由马拉维和国际计划组织召集); 
  • Accelerating Gender Equality through  Social Protection and Digital Innovation in Malawi (convened by Malawi and Plan International);
  • 利用社会保护解决贫困问题并赋予妇女和女童权力(由比利时常驻代表团和欧盟驻联合国代表团召集); 
  • Harnessing Social Protection to Tackle Poverty and Empower Women and Girls (convened by Permanent Mission of Belgium and the Delegation of the European Union to the UN);
  • 增强和平:揭示妇女预防冲突工作的成本效益和附加值(由斯洛文尼亚常驻联合国代表团、全球妇女和平建设者网络(GNWP)、预防武装冲突全球伙伴关系(GPPAC)召集、妇女和平与人道主义基金(WPHF)、联合国政治与和平建设部); 
  • Empowering Peace: Unveiling the Cost-effectiveness and Value-added of Women’s Conflict Prevention Work (convened by The Permanent Mission of Slovenia to the United Nations, Global Network of Women Peacebuilders (GNWP), Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC), Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund (WPHF), UN Department of Political and Peacebuilding); 
  • 缩小教育领域的性别差距:如何应对复杂危机世界中的长期障碍和新挑战?(由大会主席办公室和联合国妇女署召集); 
  • Closing the Gender Gap in Education: How To Address Long-Term Barriers and Emerging Challenges in a World of Complex Crises? (convened by Office of the President of the General Assembly and UN Women);
  • 媒体在防止暴力侵害妇女行为中的作用(由 ADVU-JWF 召集);
  • Role of Media in Preventing Violence Against Women (convened by ADVU-JWF);  
  • 制止贩运妇女和女孩的创新伙伴关系:圣玛尔塔集团模式(由罗马教廷常驻观察员代表团、菲律宾共和国常驻联合国代表团和圣玛尔塔集团召集);
  • Innovative Partnerships to End Trafficking in Women and Girls: The Santa Marta Group Model (convened by Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See, Permanent Mission of the Republic of the Philippines to the United Nations, and Santa Marta Group);
  • 与青春期女孩对话:成为全球舞台上女孩的盟友意味着什么(青春期女孩投资计划)。 
  • In Conversation with Adolescent Girls: What it Means to be Girl’s Ally on the Global Stage (Adolescent Girls Investment Plan).

Granali 是米沙鄢地区 GSP 中央委员会的女童代表,并荣获 2020 年全国杰出女童子军。

Granali is the Visayas Region Girl Representative to the Central Board of the GSP and was the National Outstanding Girl Scout in 2020.

她还是卡罗莱纳州政治学协会 (CPSS) 和卡罗莱纳州青年外交官圈子 (CCYD) 的活跃学生领袖。圣卡洛斯大学

She is also an active student leader of the Carolinian Political Science Society (CPSS) and the Carolinian Circle of Young Diplomats (CCYD) of the University of San Carlos.




